Observing Abnormally Large Group Velocity at the Plasmonic Band Edge via a Universal Eigenvalue Analysis

TitleObserving Abnormally Large Group Velocity at the Plasmonic Band Edge via a Universal Eigenvalue Analysis
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsSha, Wei E. I., Meng Ling Ling, Choy Wallace C. H., and Chew Weng Cho
JournalOptics Letters
Start Page158-161
Date Published01/2014
Keywordsband structure, eigenvalue analysis, group velocity, ohmic loss, plasmonic band edge

We developed a novel universal eigenvalue analysis for 2D arbitrary nanostructures comprising dispersive and lossy materials. The complex dispersion relation (or complex Bloch band structure) of a metallic grating is rigorously calculated by the proposed algorithm with the finite-difference implementation. The abnormally large group velocity is observed at a plasmonic band edge with a large attenuation constant. Interestingly, we found the abnormal group velocity is caused by the leaky (radiation) loss, not by metallic absorption (ohmic) loss. The periodically modulated surface of the grating significantly modifies the original dispersion relation of the semi-infinite dielectric-metal structure and induces the extraordinarily large group velocity, which is different from the near-zero group velocity at photonic band edge. The work is fundamentally important to the design of plasmonic nanostructures.
