Band Structure Engineering of Thermoelectric Material - GeTe

jerryzin - Posted on 12 November 2015

Project Description: 

This project is to study the thermoeletric properties of GeTe. Aim at increasing the thermoelectric ability of GeTe, I try to use different dopants such as Ba, Hg, Zn as well as different does to enhance the phenomenon of band convergence and resonant state to achieve this goal. The major software used is VASP.

Researcher name: 
JING Zhiliang
Researcher position: 
Postgraduate Student
Researcher department: 
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Researcher email: 
Research Project Details
Project Duration: 
09/2015 to 07/2016
Project Significance: 
To study the possibility to increase the thermoelectric ability of GeTe which is very useful in the thermoeletric material field. The thermoeletric ability of material is the ability to convert electric power to thermo power.
Results Achieved: 
I now calculating the band structure data of at least 10 kinds of doped GeTe in rough calculation. The calculation is still on progress which will give me first impression of which dopant has a better ability to enhance the phenomenon of band convergence and resonant state.
I have already has an account of HPCPower2 but because of its time limit and process ability, I can not do any accurate calculation with dozens of atoms. So I apply for an new HPC account which I believe would give me more convenience and ability to fulfill my project.
JING Zhiliang's project-Band Struture Engineering of Thermoelectric material GeTe.ppt224.27 KB