Photoconversion of β-Lapachone to α-Lapachone via a Protonation-Assisted Singlet Excited State Pathway in Aqueous Solution: A Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study.

TitlePhotoconversion of β-Lapachone to α-Lapachone via a Protonation-Assisted Singlet Excited State Pathway in Aqueous Solution: A Time-Resolved Spectroscopic Study.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsDu, Lili, Li Ming-De, Zhang Yanfeng, Xue Jiadan, Zhang Xiting, Zhu Ruixue, Cheng Shun Cheung, Li Xuechen, and Phillips David Lee
JournalThe Journal of organic chemistry
Date Published2015 Aug 7

The photophysical and photochemical reactions of β-lapachone were studied using femtosecond transient absorption, nanosecond transient absorption, and nanosecond time-resolved resonance Raman spectroscopy techniques and density functional theory calculations. In acetonitrile, β-lapachone underwent an efficient intersystem crossing to form the triplet state of β-lapachone. However, in water-rich solutions, the singlet state of β-lapachone was predominantly quenched by the photoinduced protonation of the carbonyl group at the β position (O9). After protonation, a series of fast reaction steps occurred to eventually generate the triplet state α-lapachone intermediate. This triplet state of α-lapachone then underwent intersystem crossing to produce the ground singlet state of α-lapachone as the final product. 1,2-Naphthoquinone is examined in acetonitrile and water solutions in order to elucidate the important roles that water and the pyran ring play during the photoconversion from β-lapachone to α-lapachone. β-Lapachone can also be converted to α-lapachone in the ground state when a strong acid is added to an aqueous solution. Our investigation indicates that β-lapachone can be converted to α-lapachone by photoconversion in aqueous solutions by a protonation-assisted singlet excited state reaction or by an acid-assisted ground state reaction.

Alternate JournalJ. Org. Chem.