A Study on Developing a Quantitative and Computerized Approach to Resolve Public Conflicts Related to Road Junction Control Method Selection

kwokalex - Posted on 27 October 2016

Project Description: 

To develop a quantitative and computerized approach to resolve public conflicts and propose a final decision. The following two objectives are going to be achieved:

  • Every participant has an opportunity to influence the result
  • Reduce the time and resources needed for group decision making
Researcher name: 
P.K. Kwok
Researcher position: 
PhD Student
Researcher department: 
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Researcher email: 
Researcher name: 
Henry Y.K. Lau
Researcher position: 
Associate Professor
Researcher department: 
Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Researcher email: 
Research Project Details
Project Duration: 
Project Significance: 
1. Generate a less biased decision 2. Information handling capacity is better than human 3. Opinion changes and hence the cost of reaching consensus can be reduced as optimization process can be injected into the decision framework 4. Traceable and clear decision reasons 5. Data for analysis for future projects of similarity
Results Achieved: 
Part of the project is published in the following journals & conference proceedings: - Kwok, P. K., Chau, D. W. H., & Lau, H. Y. K. (2014). A study on road junction control method selection using an artificial intelligent multi-criteria decision making framework Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXXI (pp. 339-344): Springer. - Kwok, P. K., & Lau, H. Y. K. (2016). Modified Delphi-AHP method based on minimum-cost consensus model and vague set theory for road junction control method evaluation criteria selection. Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, 4, 76. doi:10.12720/jiii.4.1.76-82 - Kwok, P. K., & Lau, H. Y. K. (2016). The Importance in Using a Quantitative and Computerized Approach to Resolve Public Conflicts. Journal of Global Academic Institute Business & Economics, 2, 59. ISSN: 2375-9534 (Online), USA
HTC will be used to carry out simulations to verify the usefulness of my proposed model