Air pollution dispersion simulation by LESchem

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liwenye - Posted on 30 August 2017

Project Description: 

Nowadays, heavy vehicle emission is main pollutant source in urbanized areas, air pollutants emitted from vehicles in street canyons may be reactive, undergoing mixing and chemical processing before escaping into the overlying atmosphere, both dynamics and chemistry contribute to deterioration of air quality. In this project, by using large-eddy-simulation(LES) in the open-source CFD code OpenFOAM, street canyon models will be built, and we will extend our chemical scheme in LES from NOx-O3 chemistry to NOx-O3-VOCs chemistry, the coupling effect between dynamics and different chemical schemes will be examined, finally more accurate reactive pollutants’ distribution results are expected to obtain, which may offer guidance to building design and benefit city’s ventilation.

Research Project Details
Project Duration: 
Project Significance: 
(i) In this project, turbulent dispersion of reactive pollutants in the atmospheric boundary layer(ABL) over hypothetical urban areas of an array of idealised street canyons will be studied. (ii) By taking fast-reacting species in air pollutants into account, secondary pollutants’ influence on pollution concentration field will be considered. Also, coupling effect between dynamics and NOx-O3-VOCs chemistry will be investigated. (iii) By using LESchem, under different conditions (wind speed and direction, building configuration, initial pollutants’ concentration, etc.), city ventilation performance will be evaluated, eventually providing guidance to city design, which hence can improve urban air quality.
The open-source CFD tool OpenFOAM will be used to simulate in this project. Finite volume method (FVM) will be adopted to solve the governing equations. The implicit second-order-accurate backward differencing is using in the temporal domain. The computations described herein will be performed using HKU’s HPC service.