Research Projects Supported by HKU's High Performance Computing Facilities
Mr K H Tsoi, Faculty of Dentistry (Supervisor: Professor B W Darvell, Faculty of Dentistry)
Project Title:
Aspects of Network Statistics in Polymer Fragments
Project Description:
The formation of networks in polymers is important for the control of physical and mechanical properties. The factors controlling network formation are generally well-understood, but there is evidence that network statistics are less than fully-described (Darvell, 1987) despite a large body of work (Flory, 1953). The study now is to review the current theoretical position and explore numerical simulations of network systems.
Project Duration:
2 – 4 years

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Project Significance:
1. Detailed description may enable better correlation between the two existing network statistics systems, and thus to identify key means of controlling or modifying mechanical and physical properties to improve dental elastomer performance in service.

2. Numerical simulations of network systems could be explored in the field of dentistry, and thus providing an application to the simple and powerful simulation science.
Results Achieved:
The project uses Monte Carlo methods (MC) to model large scale assemblages of monomer or prepolymer molecules as chain-growth and cross-linking develop. The sample size in the MC is 1,000,000 or above. This could yield realistic results without loss of generality. It is expected that descriptive statistics for various aspects such as fragment size, branching state and branch lengths, with particular reference to polymers used in dentistry, especially those that involve "setting" reactions to develop the intended properties would be developed.
Remarks on the Use of High Performance Computing Cluster:
1. Fast and accurate computation in the HPC Cluster - as the project relies heavily on the computer power, accuracy and precision, so this enables to generate the statistics model correctly.

2. Technical support by the staff - this is important as we are not the experts on programming. 
Email Address: (Mr Tsoi) & (Professor Darvell)

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