Bio-data of Researcher
Dr Francis C M Lau, Head of Department and Associate Professor

Dr. Lau first learned computer science in 1976, at Acadia. Ten years later, he received a PhD in computer science from Waterloo. His PhD research was on a concept related to process naming and structuring in distributed OS. Dr. Lau joined the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems as a lecturer in 1987. His research in OS continued, which led to the formation of the Systems Research Group (SRG) in the department. The group's motto is to develop real software on real hardware to solve real problems. Over the years, the group has graduated close to 20 MPhil/PhD students. Dr. Lau was promoted to senior lecturer (associate professor) in 1995. He was appointed and started serving as the head of the department in 2000.  
Researcher's Project(s) / Contents