The Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) project was funded by the European Commission and aimed to build on recent advances in grid technology and develop a service grid infrastructure which is available to scientists 24 hours-a-day. EGEE/EGI is the largest multi-disciplinary grid infrastructure in the world. The project supported scientific research by scientists and engineers from more than 240 institutions in 45 countries worldwide. The EGEE-I, -II and -III (2004-2010) officially ended on 30 April 2010. The distributed computing infrastructure built and nurtured by the project is now supported by the European Grid Infrastructure(EGI). EGI is a federation of resource providers set up to deliver sustainable, integrated and secure computing services to European researchers and their international partners. It enables access to computing resources for scientists and researchers from all fields of science, from High Energy Physics to Humanities.

EGI official website: http://www.egi.eu/
EGEE project website (This website is no longer maintained): http://eu-egee-org.web.cern.ch/eu-egee-org/


HKU Information Technology Services has joined TWGrid (one of the EGEE/EGI Virtual Organization). It makes on-demand allocation and management of integrated computing resources possible to our users.

HKU-EGEE/EGI Grid system


The following resources are allocated to join the EGEE/EGI TWgrid Virtual Organization:

Storage Element (SE) glite01.grid.hku.hk
Computing Element (CE) glite02.grid.hku.hk
Accounting (APEL) glite03.grid.hku.hk
User Interface (UI) glite04.grid.hku.hk
Information System (BDII-site) glite05.grid.hku.hk


The following are the prerequisites of using HKU Information Technology Services EGEE/EGI resources:

  • Personal Certificate signed from trusted CA
    As all the operation at EGEE grid require a personal certificate signed from trusted CA, user must present a valid personal certificate signed from either from APGrid PMA, EUGrid PMA or TAG PMA. If a user does not have this kind of personal certificate, he/she is recommended to request a user certificate signed from HKU Grid CA (one of the CA listed in APGrid PMA).
  • Access to HKU campus network
    User must be either HKU staff or students, already own the HPC account and provide relevant research information before he/she can be considered to grant access to the UI of EGEE/EGI grid resources within HKU campus network.

User Guide