The Pacific Rim Application and Grid Middleware Assembly (PRAGMA) was formed in 2002 to establish sustained collaborations and advance the use of grid technologies in applications among a community of investigators working with leading institutions around the Pacific Rim. This grid is composed of cluster systems and technical expertise from PRAGMA members and friends institutions. It provides the infrastructure and a collaborative environment for grid middleware and grid applications to interoperate and improve. It’s also where PRAGMA researchers can innovate and experiment with new approaches and new solutions to make the grid easy to use. PRAGMA institution members meet twice a year at PRAGMA Workshops to share the knowledge, exchange ideas and initiative collaboration among grid community worldwide. PRAGMA official website: http://www.pragma-grid.net/


HKU joined the PRAGMA Grid organization as an institutional members since 2009. At March 2011, the PRAGMA 20th Workshop cum HKU Centennial IT Conference on Grid Applications and Research collaboration was held in Hong Kong and hosted by HKU Information Technology Services. It is not only an important event to bridge and collaborate the eResearch communities among Asia Pacific Rim, Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta region, but also a remarkable Centenary Celebration activity for The University of Hong Kong 100th anniversary. The PRAGMA 38 Workshop (March 2020) that organized by HKU ITS was cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak