SLURM Usage Monitoring

After a job is submitted to SLURM, user may check a list of current jobs’ CPU/RAM/GPU usage (updated every minute)  with commands showjob as described below.

$ showjob -h
Usage: showjob [OPTIONS]
                -x    show finished job(s) in last x day
                      default is to show running/pending job(s)

                -p    comma separated list of partitions to view
                      default is any partitions

                -j    comma separated list of jobs IDs
                      default is any job

                -s    filter jobs with specific state
                          CA  CANCELLED
                          CD  COMPLETED
                          CF  CONFIGURING
                          CG  COMPLETING
                          DL  DEADLINE
                          F   FAILED
                          OOM OUT_OF_MEMORY
                          PD  PENDING
                          R   RUNNING
                          ST  STOPPED
                          S   SUSPENDED
                          TO  TIMEOUT
                      default is any state

                -w    display jobs on any of these nodes
                      default is any node

In the example below, job #20220 was using roughly the same amount of CPU hour and RAM across each of the 4 allocated nodes, meaning that job exercised fairly good parallel processing. Otherwise, only one or a few allocated nodes would be working and other nodes would be idle. On the other hand, only ~14% of the requested amount of RAM were utilized and user may take the Peak RAM uasge as a reference value for request for memory in subsequent submission of similar jobs.

$ showjob
 Job ID: 20220                                     Sat Jan 1 01:00:00 HKT 2022
│ User: tmchan    │ Name: sim-2p                           │ State: RUNNING   │
│  QoS: normal    │ Partition: intel                       │ Priority: 17076  │
│     Resource    │           Requests │ Usage                                │
│         Node    │                  3 │ GPI-1-[4,7],GPI-4-10                 │
│          CPU    │                 96 │ 99.38%                               │
│          RAM    │          281.25 GB │ 14.23%                               │
│    Wall time    │         4-00:00:00 │ 1-16:26:22                           │
│          GPU    │                N/A │ N/A                                  │
│ Per Node Usage  │   CPU hour Usage   │             RAM Usage (GB)           │
│                 │      Up to Now     │         Now            Peak          │
│     GPI-1-4     │     1285.983       │      15.103 GB       18.998 GB       │
│     GPI-1-7     │     1286.141       │      12.429 GB       16.328 GB       │
│     GPI-4-10    │     1285.903       │      12.490 GB       16.385 GB       │

For jobs requested GPU, the GPU ID and the GPU/RAM usage would be shown like below. As not all applications may scale the workload across multiple GPUs, taking a look at the GPU Usage below may give user insight into the actual GPU utilization. In this example, only GPU 0 was working at 100% but other GPUs (GPU 1-3) were being idle, which might suggest that revision of job resource requests or tunning in application parameters are warranted. It is advisable to check the usage from time to time as resource usage may fluctuate over the course of job execution.

$ showjob
Job ID: 20221                                      Sat Jan 1 01:01:00 HKT 2022
│ User: tmchan    │ Name: gpu-sim                          │ State: RUNNING   │
│  QoS: gpu       │ Partition: gpu                         │ Priority: 15441  │
│     Resource    │           Requests │ Usage                                │
│         Node    │                  1 │ SPG-1-4                              │
│          CPU    │                 32 │ 12.47%                               │
│          RAM    │           93.75 GB │ 6.97%                                │
│    Wall time    │         7-00:00:00 │ 4-06:52:53                           │
│          GPU    │         4(IDX:0-3) │ GPU Card             │  GPU% │  RAM  │
│                 ├────────────────────┼──────────────────────┴───────┴───────┤
│                 │              GPU-0 │Tesla-V100-SXM2-32GB     100 %  30 GB │
│                 │              GPU-1 │Tesla-V100-SXM2-32GB       0 %      0 │
│                 │              GPU-2 │Tesla-V100-SXM2-32GB       0 %      0 │
│                 │              GPU-3 │Tesla-V100-SXM2-32GB       0 %      0 │
│ Per Node Usage  │    CPU hour Usage  │             RAM Usage (GB)           │
│                 │      Up to Now     │         Now            Peak          │
│     SPG-1-4     │      410.602       │       6.537 GB        7.614 GB       │
Show job usage for all running jobs
$ showjob
Show job usage for a job with job ID “12345”
$ showjob -j 12345
Show job usage for jobs in “intel” partition
$ showjob -p intel

After a job is finished(e.g. COMPLETED/TIMEOUT/FAILED/OUT_OF_MEMORY), user may check the CPU/RAM usage with commands showjob -x <day> as described below. The job state (code table) would tell if a job is finished normally.

Show finished jobs today

For job “1234”, it completed normally as its state was “COMPLETED”. However, attention has to be paid for the job “1235” because it was aborted when the requested wall time of 1 day was exhausted and its state became “TIMEOUT“.

$ showjob -x 0
Job ID: 1234                                      Mon Jan 10 16:12:00 HKT 2022
│ User: tmchan    │ Name: sim                         │ State: COMPLETED      │
│  QoS: normal    │ Partition: intel                  │ Exit code: 0          │
│     Start time: │ 2022-01-06 14:05:43                                       │
│       End time: │ 2022-01-10 04:17:23                                       │
│      Wall time: │          3-14:11:40                                       │
│     Resource    │           Requests │ Usage                     Efficiency │
│         Node    │                  3 │ GPI-1-2,GPI-2-14,GPI-3-17            │
│          CPU    │                 96 │ 95.673                       99.659% │
│          RAM    │             281 GB │ 2.325 GB                      0.827% │

 Job ID: 1235                                     Mon Jan 10 16:12:01 HKT 2022
│ User: tmchan    │ Name: sim                         │ State: TIMEOUT        │
│  QoS: normal    │ Partition: intel                  │ Exit code: 0          │
│     Start time: │ 2022-01-09 15:07:56                                       │
│       End time: │ 2022-01-10 15:08:01                                       │
│      Wall time: │          1-00:00:05                                       │
│     Resource    │           Requests │ Usage                     Efficiency │
│         Node    │                  1 │ GPI-2-1                              │
│          CPU    │                 32 │ 31.871                       99.598% │
│          RAM    │              94 GB │ 9.231 GB                      9.820% │

Show a finished job today with job ID 12345
$ showjob -x 0 -j 12345
Show finished job(s) today in partition ‘gpu’
$ showjob -x 0 -p gpu
Show finished job(s) with state “TIMEOUT” today
$ showjob -x 0 -s TIMEOUT
Show finished job(s) in the past 7 days
$ showjob -x 7
Show finished job(s) in the past 7 days and in partition ‘gpu’
$ showjob -x 7 -p gpu

List detailed information for a job (for troubleshooting)

$ scontrol show job <JobID>

Checking the resource utilization of a running job

Command : ta <JOB_ID>

$ ta 216
JOBID: 216
================================ GPA-1-20 ===================================
top - 16:41:18 up 149 days, 11:54,  0 users,  load average: 20.05, 19.80, 19.73
Tasks: 608 total,   2 running, 606 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 79.0%us,  1.9%sy,  0.0%ni, 16.0%id,  3.1%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.2%si,  0.0%st
Mem:  99077612k total,  10895060k used, 88182552k free,   84436k buffers
Swap: 122878968k total,    19552k used, 122859416k free,  7575444k cached

  PID USER      PR  NI  VIRT  RES  SHR S %CPU %MEM    TIME+  COMMAND            
29144 h0xxxxxx  20   0 97.5g  84m 6200 R 1995.2  1.7  4982:46 l502.exe          
 2667 h0xxxxxx  20   0 15932 1500 1248 S  2.0  0.0   0:00.00 top               
 2622 h0xxxxxx  20   0 98.8m 1284 1076 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 sshd    
 2623 h0xxxxxx  20   0  105m  896  696 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 g09                
 2668 h0xxxxxx  20   0  100m  836 1168 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 226.hpc2015               
29800 h0xxxxxx  20   0  105m 1172  836 R  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 bash                
29801 h0xxxxxx  20   0  100m  848  728 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 grep               
29802 h0xxxxxx  20   0 98.6m  604  512 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 head

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2       416G   59G  395G   1% /tmp

You can see the CPU utilization under CPU stats. This example show the process 1502.exe running in parallel on the 20-core system with 1995.2% of the CPU utilization (2000% utilization means all 20 cores of GPA-1-20 are fully used). It also provides information such as memory usage(10895060k ~ 10MB used) , runtime of the processes and local /tmp disk usage (59GB used).

Check Historical Usage Efficiencies

“showeff”-Show summary of resource usage and efficiency of finished jobs

By default, job usage and efficiencies are reported for the past 7 days.

Date range can be specified with -s YYYY-MM-DD and -e YYYY-MM-DD. Command below would show the usage between 1st Sept 2021 and 1st Sept 2022

$ showeff -s 2021-09-01 -e 2022-09-01
# Job Usage and Efficiency for period between 2021-09-01 and 2022-09-01 
│ Username │ Job Count │ CPU Hour │ GPU Hour │ CPU Eff(%) │ MEM Eff(%) │ Walltime Eff (%)│ 
│ tmchan   │    2914   │   16715  │    336   │   70.054   │    50.058  │      64.396     │ 

Check GPU Node Usage

User can use command gpu_avail to check the status of  GPU nodes

$ gpu_avail
│ Compute │ GPU |   TRES per node   │      Available     │
│  node   │ GEN | CPU  RAM(GB)  GPU │  CPU  RAM(GB)  GPU │
│ SPG-1-1 │ VLT │  32     384    4  │   22     224    3  │
│ SPG-1-2 │ VLT │  32     384    4  │    0     290    0  │
│ SPG-1-3 │ VLT │  32     384    4  │    7     180    1  │
│ SPG-1-4 │ VLT │  32     384    4  │    0     290    0  │
│ SPG-2-1 │ VLT │  32     384    8  │   24     361    4  │
│ SPG-2-2 │ VLT │  32     384    8  │    1     293    2  │
│ SPG-2-3 │ VLT │  32     384    8  │    1     246    3  │
│ SPG-3-1 │ ADA │  64    1000   10  │   64    1000   10  │
│ SPG-3-2 │ ADA │  64    1000   10  │   64    1000   10  │
│ SPG-4-1 │ ADA │  64     500    8  │   59     484    4  │
│ SPG-4-2 │ ADA │  64     500    8  │   64     500    8  │