What is Intel MPI?
The Intel MPI Library is a high-performance interconnect-independent multi-fabric library based on MPICH and MVAPICH2. It is an implementation of the industry-standard Message Passing Interface, v3.1 (MPI-3.1) specification.
What is MPI?
MPI, the message Passing Interface, is a standardized and portable message-passing system designed to function on a wide variety of parallel computers. The standard defines the syntax and semantics of library routines and allows users to write portable programs in the main scientific programming languages (Fortran, C, C++, etc).
Using Intel MPI Library
Intel MPI is available on HPC2021 systems. To configure your environment for particular Intel MPI, you can:
System | Compiler version | Module command |
HPC2021 | Intel Parallel Studio 2019 Update 4 | module load impi/2019u4 |
Intel Parallel Studio 2020 Update 4 | module load impi/2020u4 | |
Intel OneAPI HPC 2021.4 | module load impi/2021.4 | |
Intel OneAPI HPC 2022.2 | module load impi/2022.2 |
Compile with Intel MPI Library
The compilation environment for Intel MPI Library varies by Intel compiler and GNU compiler. By default, GNU compiler comes with the system and corresponding Intel compiler will be used.
Compilation commands (Intel compiler)
Language | Command | Example |
C | mpiicc | mpiicc [options] mpi_program.c -o mpi_program.exe |
C++ | mpiicpc | mpiicpc [options] mpi_program.cpp -o mpi_program.exe |
Fortran | mpiifort | mpiifort [options] mpi_program.f90 -o mpi_program.exe |
Compilation commands (GNU compiler)
Language | Command | Example |
C | mpicc | mpicc [options] mpi_program.c -o mpi_program.exe |
C++ | mpicxx | mpicxx [options] mpi_program.cpp -o mpi_program.exe |
Fortran | mpif90 | mpif90 [options] mpi_program.f90 -o mpi_program.exe |
Additional Information
The Intel MPI Library home page: www.intel.com/go/mpi
Official user guides: Linux | Windows
Other MPI Libraries: MPICH | MVAPICH | Open MPI